The new year is a perfect time to reflect on yourself, your goals, and your career & life path. Were you able to accomplish all you wanted this year?

Could adopting a fresh new approach bring more results, fun, and fulfillment in 2024? ———————

Blending personal mastery and energy work offers a powerful path of growth and prosperity. Personal mastery involves building thriving power while empowering others, strengthening deep inner awareness. Energy work offers insight on situations, opportunities, and choices as a first step to accomplishing your goals.   

How do we strengthen our personal power to accomplish, grow, and thrive? How do we activate the warmly generative, proactive power of groups and friendships? How can we tap into additional perspectives about the situations we face and opportunities available to us?

On W 12/6 and Th 12/7, Deborah Blake Dempsey, Donna Terrazas, and I will host a two-part masterclass to help you unlock your power to grow and prosper in 2024. You’ll consider connections between goals, power, mastery, and energy as you look ahead to the new year.

  • Wed 12/6 @ 7-8 pm ET:  You’ll… 1) begin with your biggest goals and the power needed to accomplish them, 2) consider ways you may hold yourself back as well as the ways the power patterns of your situation slow you down, and 3) map personalized responses to challenges and develop your unique leadership style.  

  • Th 12/7 @ 7-8 pm ET:  We’ll talk further about change, discussing a number of energetic tools to strengthen insight. As two examples, we’ll look at how ReUnion Facilitation and the I-Ching Book of Changes take into account the questioner, questions, and situation to reveal insights about choices.

    • These methods align with ideas of synchronicity. Dr. Carl Jung describes that modern physics increasingly supports synchronistic ways of understanding and finds that “meaningful answers are the rule” with the I-Ching.  


Join us for two intriguing, enjoyable sessions! We’ll offer a practical framework for your 2024 plan, blending personal mastery, power, energy work, and fun.

Make next year your best year yet!